No? should see it.... Not for the special effects, or the soundtrack wich by the way, THEY ARE GREAAAT, but for the unique interior design. For a special movie about digital life, the designers realised that they have to embrace the concept: "The grid, a place of infinite possibilities". And for real, the environment they have created is beyond imagination. The coolest part is that is that entirely applicable in real life.
Kevin Flynn's house, if you look it from outside it looks more like a shelter. Inside, the things are totally different. The interior design is futuristic indeed, but unlike other S.F. designs, it is probably the point where interior design will reach in few years.
This Tron interior design style it is going to be the new trend for modern houses so soon that every house will have at least few parts from this style.Why? It combines modern accessories with classic elements, it respects the actual eco trend, and it's based on smart space usage.
I liked this combination of colors, black-white-light blue because it creates a sensation of cleanliness,
space, modern.
As you can see the nonconformist floors are made from a white-opaque material that is lighted from inside. Actually the room's light comes from the floor. While the light from the roof is rather decorative.
The furniture has a classic style but is made of modern eco materials.The main table is made of glass, the chairs are crystal white, and the fire place is classy but with modern burning system.
It is interesting to combine the fine elegant lines with rough stone parts. It combines future with past, it combines the origins with the evolution....The grid, a place if infinite possibilities.
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