Rose Uniacke
Room number two of my eclectic house, is the dining room! This is a sort of controversial room in many modern homes. So many of us rarely sit down for formal meals anymore which begs the question, are they necessary? In the last year or so, I've personally had a change of heart about this issue. I think because I spent the last 5 years in a house that is very "open concept" and without a formal dining space, I've grown weary of not having that option. Its difficult to have many people over, because there's no where to put them! Maybe its a sign of getting older, but I want to have a place where my family can enjoy a quiet meal together in a beautiful environment. Needless to say, I am now Pro-dining room! My only requirement is that it not be the old-fashioned formal room that the kids could never walk into! Make it a creative and welcoming space (even for pesky little boys)

Via Houzz
This is the definition of eclectic, no? I mean the formal chandelier with a rustic table, mid-century chairs and modern art!

Via Houzz

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